I started a batch of Kombucha at the weekend – my first ever. Kombucha is a fermented tea drink and drinking it is meant to give health benefits. The health benefits sound promising so I thought I’d give it a go. I also like having a pot of something doing something in the kitchen – previously this has been a sour dough starter. If you’d like to find out more about the health benefits, check out the link I’ve added at the bottom of this post.

Kombucha can be started from scratch with the right raw ingredients and time. Luckily, however, I have a friend who offered to give me some of his Kombucha and scoby to get me started. He also gave me the steps needed to make the Kombucha, which were:

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I followed all of the steps, getting a little excited by the end. This was the same feeling I got as I worked on a sour dough starter. Simple ingredients are growing/changing and I am making it happen. What happened in reality?

  • It took a long long time to cool down to the required temperature. I had time to wash up, put a wash on, and even go for a 30 minute run before we got down to the required temperature.
  • When I reverently added the Scoby to the jar it did not float delicately on the top of the liquid. Instead it sank unceremoniously like a stone to the bottom of the jar.

No matter, sinking is allowed – a new scoby will grow on the surface. So now I am waiting patiently for the first indication that a new scoby is forming. This will be the proof that it is working.

As I continue waiting patiently I realize that two days have past already – and nothing. How long will it take I ask myself – as I continue waiting as patiently as I can.

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